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54 days. Beautiful 5-7 in. golden yellow flowers borne on 30 in. plants, perfect for borders and growing seed to feed the birds in winter. Rogue out the occasional tall plant to keep your border neat. A great alternative to PVP varieties.


How to grow: Annual. Germination: 14 days, 70 degrees F. Full sun. Direct sow in May or June. Space 12-18” apart. Taller varieties may need staking. Early in the growth stage, place a pole at the base of the stalk. As the stem grows, use twine or soft ties to secure it to the stake every 6’ or so.


History: Some archaeologists believe that Native Americans may have cultivated sunflowers as early as 3000 B.C.


Uses: You can leave any remaining seed-heads in the garden for fall and winter visitors. Or you can cut and dry the seed-heads indoors. Throughout the winter months, tie dried heads to trees or to your deck to create feeding stations.


Small (2 g) packet has about 40 seeds.

Sunflower - Short Stuff

SKU: 754917800344
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Source: Southern Exposure Seed Exchange

    Photo Credit: Southern Exposure Seed Exchange

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