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65 days. 4-4½ ft. high dwarf sunflower. Produces a single large flower head 8-12 in. in diameter. Yellow flowers with golden brown centers. Can be grown as an ornamental or used for edible seed or bird food. Great for children.

Growing instructions: Annual. Germination: 14 days, 70 degrees F. Full sun. Direct sow in May or June. Space 12-18” apart. Taller varieties may need staking. Early in the growth stage, place a pole at the base of the stalk. As the stem grows, use twine or soft ties to secure it to the stake every 6’ or so.


History: Some archaeologists believe that Native Americans may have cultivated sunflowers as early as 3000 B.C.


Uses: You can leave any remaining seed-heads in the garden for fall and winter visitors. Or you can cut and dry the seed-heads indoors. Throughout the winter months, tie dried heads to trees or to your deck to create feeding stations.


Packet: 4 g, 60 seeds

Sunspot (Dwarf Sunflowers)

SKU: 754917800320
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Source: Southern Exposure Seed Exchange

    Photo Credit: Southern Exposure Seed Exchange

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